Thank  you for joining us in serving at Hope community Church!  

Please scroll down to view
-KOH handbook video
-Link to KOH handbook
-Safety and Security Procedures
-Prevention of Abuse Video
-Verification form

Ashley Enns - Kids of Hope Pastor 316.799.1972
Lauren Griffis - Preschool Program Director- 316.239-4499
Shanna Sommers - Elementary Program Director- 225.335.2921
Brandy Ybarra - Blast Program Director- 316.393.7681
Shauna Bussard - Wings of Hope Director- 316.204.0671
We are so thankful you have decided to join us in our mission to “Bring kids
closer to Jesus!” We are here to serve…please let us know if you need anything.
Safety and Security Policies
  • Fire Emergencies are signaled by the built-in fire alarm.   
  • Team Lead calls 911.
    • Classes exit the building at the nearest clear exit (per map) and gather at the basketball court.
    • Parents will pick up their children at the basketball court.
    • Call 911 for injuries
    • Desk person makes sure double doors are closed and goes to the nursery to assist.
    • Team Lead checks rooms to insure evacuation.
  • In the case of Tornado or severe weather sirens will go off and we will get alerts on our phones.  
    • Children will be moved to the tornado shelter in the Kids’ Preschool hall.  Children are instructed to sit with legs crossed, facing the wall, head down and arms covering ears and eyes.
Evacuation/Active Shooter
  • In the event that a violent intruder/active shooter enters the building the first response should be to get out of the building and away from the danger.  Air horns located at the check-in desk, the kids ministry office, in the barn and in the main church office.  Air horns will be sounded as soon as an intruder is spotted.  
    • Classes will evacuate to the basketball court, hide behind the trees/hill.  
    •  When given the all clear, release children to parents that have come down to the courts or go back to your classroom.  
    • If parents come to the basketball court to get their child, they should be encouraged (not forced) to stay and hide with the class until the “all clear” is given.
    • If you can not evacuate, SHUT THE DOOR ASAP.  Lock the door and use the door stop beside the door to barricade the door.  If your door has a window, hide against the door wall. 
Medical Emergency
  • Lead Teacher will take control and ask someone to call 911. 
    • Assistant will remove the rest of the children from the area
    • Assistant will call for help from the person at the desk.  They will call for security to assist in finding a nurse/doctor and flagging down the ambulance and bringing the paramedics to the child.
Other Resources:
Bp cuff, pulse oximeter(oxygen sensor), first aid kit, and thermometers are available in the preschool halls resource room.