high school

Growing Together

We use our gifts to encourage others and lead one another closer to Jesus.

We're joyful when a part of the body is joyful, and we mourn when they mourn.

We seek to be the hands and feet of Christ to a lost and hurting world.


On this page:

> Weekly schedule

Upcoming High School events

> Follow & subscribe

> Student Leadership

> Mission trips

Weekly Schedule

Sunday 10:45am
Hope Student Sunday morning are focused on worship, teaching and connection.
Wednesday 6:30pm
Hope Student Wednesday nights are focused on fellowship and small groups.

Upcoming High School Events

Follow what we're doing...

Social Media:
You can follow and/or like us online to help keep you in the know about  what’s going on in the world of Hope Students. Event videos and photos are posted here as well.

Remind Text Updates:
The newest way to stay up to date on the most important stuff happening in our student ministry. Just follow this link to @welcome2hopehs and you’ll be signed up in no time.

Parent Email:
We love to keep our students parents in the know! Join our email list HERE!

Student Leadership at Hope...

We've created this team not because we just want one more thing on your calendar. We truly believe that God created us as beings to Learn, Grow, and Serve. When we  do this in all areas of life we begin to live in the beautiful joy that Jesus made available to us. Our hope is that while on this team, you go from attending church to being a part of the church. To not just observing, but participating in what God is doing at Hope in our students! This group is not exclusive, but inclusive to all who want to be leaders for Jesus! If you'd like to be a part of this team or know more please fill out the form below!

The RUSH (January 26-28)

The RUSH is our Winter Retreat were our students get to spend an incredible weekend out at Westminster Woods! We have an amazing time with cabins, games, a speaker, worship, and awesome food! This weekend takes our community and relationship with Jesus a step deeper. We'd love for you to get involved!
Registration deadline is Jan. 21. For registration, click the link below.

Mission Trips:

Mission Trips are a huge part of what we do as Hope Students! We focus on two things: the spiritual growth of our students and the service of those who are in need. This is no small commitment so please take your time and think as you sign up for these trips. Please know this is an APPLICATION, not all students are guaranteed a spot on the trip they apply for.

Trips this summer include:

Wichita Mission Trip:     June 12-14 ($115)
Kansas City Mission Trip:     July 14-20 ($650)