We're all just beggars showing other beggars where we found bread.
Here at Hope, we're aware that all of us - at some level - need healing and recovery. That we each carry hurts, wounds, and weaknesses that Jesus wants to tend to. Our goals in Hope Recovery Ministries are to create safe places for people to share their deepest pain, and to help people find healing in Jesus through a confidential and understanding community.
We were not created to walk alone in life! If you could benefit from some help on your journey (and you could!), please consider joining one of the groups we offer.
We were not created to walk alone in life! If you could benefit from some help on your journey (and you could!), please consider joining one of the groups we offer.
Having a recovery community means you no longer feel alone.
You're in the company of others who understand and appreciate you for who you are without judgment.
- Alcoholics Anonymous - An open meeting. Info.
- Celebrate Recovery - A Christ-centered recovery group for all hurts, habits, hang-ups, and addictions. Info.
- Faithful and True - A men’s group with grace-focused support for sexual purity. Info.
- Finding Hope - Faith-based support group for family members of addicts of all kinds. Info.
- Samson Society - Christian men's addiction recovery group. Info.
- Circle of Hope Widows Group - For women of all ages who've lost a spouse. Info.
- GriefShare - A group to walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. Info.
Looking for shelter, therapy, or other community resources? Go to the Community Resources page.