(316) 858-9100 | 1831 E. 21st St, Andover KS


Updated June 2023

Ashley Enns - Kids of Hope Pastor -ashley@hopecc.net 316.799.1972
Lauren Griffis - Preschool Program Director- Lauren@hopecc.net 316.239-4499
Shanna Sommers - Elementary Program Director- shanna@hopecc.net 225.335.2921
Brandy Ybarra - Blast Program Director- Brandy@hopecc.net 316.393.7681
Shauna Bussard - Wings of Hope Director- Shauna@hopecc.net 316.204.0671
We are so thankful you have decided to join us in our mission to “Bring kids
closer to Jesus!” We are here to serve…please let us know if you need anything.

Ashley, Lauren, Shanna, Brandy and Shauna

Hope Community Church

1831 E 21 st Street N • Andover, KS 67002



We are so glad you’re on our Kids of Hope Team!
YOU are the ones making a difference every week in the classroom, and your
time and efforts do not go unnoticed! Jesus valued children, and He treated
them with kindness and love. As KOH volunteers, you are Jesus’ kindness and
love to the kids in your classes. We are thrilled about that!


Use Positive Language… Especially when a particular child is struggling in
class, find a positive way to redirect the child. If the child is making a poor
choice, say something like, “Let’s color on the worksheet!” instead of, “Stop
coloring on the table!” It’s also a good idea to avoid sarcasm. Children are
very literal and will understand warmth, love, and even discipline, but they
will not understand the humor of sarcasm. An example is: “If you don’t sit
down right now the Boogie man will come and eat your legs off!” Young
children only understand the world through literal interpretation. They will
assume there really is a Boogie man that will eat their legs off and it’ll be a
scary experience for them in their class. We really don’t want that. “Speak
the truth in love.”
Be a good example to them in everything…How you present yourself is also
an important part of being a person that the kids look up to! In different
times and places, different clothes are appropriate. The very best thing for
you to wear would be a Kids of Hope shirt. This helps both kids and parents
easily identify you as someone that can help them if they need help! If you
can not wear a Kids of Hope shirt, please wear shirts with straps/sleeves at
least 3 fingers wide, shorts or skirts that reach your fingertips and tops
that do not show your torso when you bend over. Our primary goal is for you
to be able to fully engage with the kids, and that's hard to do if you have to
worry about your clothing.


Sit with Your Students… Whenever the children are sitting, sit with them!
Unless you are actively teaching, connect with the kids by getting on their
level. This goes for during the Lesson Video, the craft, the games, and even
the snack (if BLAST!)!
Reconcile and Redo… Sometimes kids hurt other kids. Instead of separating
the children (although that may be ultimately necessary for preschool
classes) help them navigate these conflicts like Jesus teaches. Walk the kids
through the process of reconciliation (have them honestly share with one
another what they’re feeling, admit any fault, and apologize), and then
recreate the scenario so that it ends successfully.
Respect their Personal Space… We know you love these kids, and we’re so
grateful you do! You may offer side hugs, high fives, fist bumps and shoulder
squeezes. Always avoid touching a child if you are upset or frustrated with
Be Present… Listen to their stories, watch them play their games, comment
on their artistry!
Try Not to Use Phones... We get it; we do! Our phones connect us to
everything, sometimes even the lesson we’re trying to teach! We trust you to
be fully engaged with the kids and not on your phones during class time.
Please do not take pictures of the kids.
Security Codes… Make sure all children have a name badge when they arrive.
At pick-up it is very important to match every single child’s security code to
their adult. Parents are watching for this. They want to know their child is
safe. Even if you know the family well, match their codes. New parents
need to know we are consistent-and we don’t want visitors feeling left out of
an “inner circle.” If a parent or child is missing a security tag send the
parent to the check-in desk.


My friend/cousin/neighbor is coming to church with me. Can he/she come
into the class?  Unfortunately, he/she cannot. All of the workers in our
KOH hall have a ministry application on file—which includes background and
character checks— and so, for the safety of our kids, we need to say no.
However, we’d love to meet your friend/cousin/neighbor after the service!
We’re glad you brought a guest to Hope! Also, if you know in advance that
you’re bringing someone, you can always request a sub so you can sit with
your guest.
Bathroom usage... Each classroom handles it a little differently, but under
no circumstance is any teacher or helper to take a child to the bathroom and
then close the door, this includes helping toddlers. Please always leave the
main door to the bathroom open! Children that use the in-room bathroom
may close the bathroom if they are alone. For older children, have a helper
bring them to the check-in desk and they will supervise and return the
children back to the classroom.
Absent or sick... Let Ashley know ASAP if your plans change suddenly and
you cannot serve we will happily find a sub for you but we will miss you!
Please call/text or email Ashley as soon as you can. Use the Services App
also! As soon as you know you will be gone, put in a blockout date on the app.

“We also pray that you will be strengthened with His glorious power
so that you will have all the patience and endurance you need.
May you be filled with joy, always thanking the Father,
who has enable you to share in the inheritance
that belongs to God’s holy people, who live in the light.”

Colossians 1:11-12


THE LOGISTICS For Sunday Services
Curriculum...Each week’s curriculum will be provided to the teachers by the
directors-Shanna for 1st-5th grades and Amy for one year old through
Kindergarten. You will receive these via email the week you are to teach. All
necessary materials for the lesson will be in your classes' tub. If you have
questions, please ask either Shanna or Lauren.
Wonder Ink… Is the Curriculum we use. It’s a one year chronological study.
Each year the old testament starts in the fall and the new testament starts
with Christmas in December. This allows us to focus on Christmas and
Easter like we want to. Wonder Ink sparks curiosity and guides children on a
journey of faith through the wonder of God. Wonder is where it all begins.
Ink is God’s truth written on our hearts. Let’s help kids fall so in love with
Jesus that they never want to spend a day without Him.
Setting Up… Try to arrive 20-25 minutes before your service start time in
order to set up your room and have Huddle time. Check yourself in on the
iPads using your phone number and get your name sticker. Your class tub has
everything you’ll need in it. Elementary tubs are in your classroom cabinets.
Preschool-Kindergarten are in the resource room near the KOH office.
Oftentimes, the youth volunteers will set up beginning activities before the
kids come. Youth volunteers, we really couldn’t do it without you!!
Taking Attendance… You have a blank sheet of paper in your classroom. Put
the child’s roster sticker on this sheet. Carry this sheet with you. If there
is an emergency you will have a record and contact information
Collecting the Offerings for Classes... Please deposit the offering into the
wooden box at the end of the Kids Hall (near Green Resource Room Door)
and put the offering container back into the Class. This only needs to be
done after 2nd service.
Cleaning Up… Please make sure all trash is thrown away. After 2nd Service,
take your class tub to the Green Resource Room. Also, please remember to
turn off any lights.


Schedule for Sundays for Infant-Kindergarten and 1st-5th grade programs…
1st Service
8:30 arrive, check in and set up the room. Each preschool classes' tub
in the office resource room) is to be taken to your class. Elementary will
find their tub in their classroom cabinet.
8:45 huddle
8:55 doors open - volunteers be ready to greet kids as they arrive.
10:15-ish parents will arrive to pick up their children; please always
match their security codes to the codes on the children’s name tags!
2nd Service
10:15 arrive, check in and set up the room. Each preschool classes' tub
in the office resource room) is to be taken to your class. Elementary will
find their tub in their classroom cabinet.
10:30 huddle
10:40 doors open - volunteers be ready to greet kids as they arrive.
Elementary kids go to the Great Room and Preschool kids go to theirrespective rooms.
12:00-ish parents will arrive to pick up their children; pleasealways match their security codes to the codes on the children’s name tags!
Elementary classrooms will put their tub into their cabinet. Preschool will
take their tubs to the Green Resource Room.


THE LOGISTICS For Wednesday Evening BLAST! Service
Curriculum...Each week’s curriculum will be provided to the teachers by
Brandy. You will receive these via email the week you are to teach. All
necessary materials for the lesson will be in your classes' tub. If you have
questions, please ask Brandy.
Setting Up… Try to arrive 15-30 minutes before your service start time in
order to set up your room. Children will start arriving by 6:15 pm. Check
yourself in on the iPads using your phone number and get your name sticker.
You’ll grab the Class Tub. The Class Tub is inside one of the Resource
Rooms... on a metal shelving rack and is labeled with your class name.
Kids Leaving….Parents will arrive around 8 pm to pick up their children;
please always match their security codes to the codes on the children’s name
tags! If a parent or child is missing their security code, send them to the
check-in desk.
Cleaning Up… Please make sure all trash, especially the food trash, is thrown
away. Also, please remember to turn off any lights and/or fans that you used
during class. Take your class preschool tub to the Green Resource Room.


THE LOGISTICS For Infants and Toddlers
Volunteers…Since our infants and toddlers rooms are used by both Sunday
and Wednesday evening services, these policies are for all things infants and
Diapering Instructions...These instructions are posted by the changing
Infant Food/Snacks…Only use food/snacks that are in the diaper bag for
infants or approved snacks from parents.
Toddler Snacks…There are containers of Goldfish and Cheerios that we can
give the toddlers with parents' approval. Please pour the food into cups
using the spout. Do not reach your hand into the container.
Information Sheet...Each baby/toddler will have a paper prepared by the
parents with specific needs and requests. Please check the child’s sheet for
instructions every time a child is in class. Instructions for these sheets will
be posted in the classroom.
Toddler Curriculum…There will be a toddler curriculum provided to engage
them in songs, stories and other activities that help them learn about Jesus
and God's love for them.
Checklist for room…
● Make sure the room is safe for infants and toddlers when they come in.
● When leaving...clean toys, tables, changing mats and play mats with
disinfectant spray.
● Put toys back in correct containers and places.
● Take trash to the main trash dumpster behind the wooden fence
outside the new Kids' Hall. We do not want any dirty diapers left in
the building overnight.