Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19

Meet our missionaries.

Mark & Nancy Austin
Mark is a Language Production Manager for the JESUS Film, finding translators and personnel to record new languages. Nancy is Regional Operations Leader for 29 countries in our Region.
Scott & Patty Roberts
Take The Challenge
Scott and his team awaken international pastors to the mandate of transforming believers into disciples. They establish networks of disciple-making pastors to provide firsthand experience in that process,
equipping leaders to raise true disciple-makers.
equipping leaders to raise true disciple-makers.

Jennifer Hill
Koinoneo Inc.
One of Koinoneo’s primary focuses is equipping youth who have aged out of or exited the Dominican orphanage system; giving them a home, continued education, and teaching them the love of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Dan & Diane Hintz
Wycliffe Bible Translators
Working in Bible translation and linguistics they have completed the New Testament in the South Conchucos Quechua language of Peru. Now focused on two related languages translating 1 & 2 Thessalonians.

Mike Parks
Frontier Partners International (FPI)
FPI is an international relief and development agency. The serve the unreached/unengaged communities that are often oppressed and receive little or no assistance.

Ben & Jessica Spicer
The Spicers work in villages along the Amazon and Javari Rivers, which form the borders between Brazil, Peru, and Colombia. Our goal is to train up leaders to lead and plant churches.

Jan Thompson
Christopher's Hope Ministry, Inc.
Loves and cares for 100 orphans in #1 and #37 Hope Street Orphanage in Haiti along with the Institute of Hope, a school for the orphans under her care (with plans to expand the capacity).

Paul Ford
Paul pioneered the Grip Birkman assessment process that now utilized by 400 coaches and trainers in over 40 countries. He travels internationally to equip and release church leaders.

Caleb & Jackie Sellers
Pioneer Bible Translators
As a member of the Software Development team, Caleb helps build the digital infrastructure by designing and building web applications for Bible translators and for support teams within the organization.

Ashley & Denton Coltrane
Introducing adolescents to Jesus Christ and helping them grow in their faith by Providing fun, adventurous, life-changing experiences; building relationship, earning the right to be heard, and sharing Jesus with them.
Zach & Aubrey Langford
Missionaries to the United Kingdom
Zach and Audrey Langford provide pastoral leadership to the Birkenhead Church of God, serving as a bridge as the church transitions a generational gap. They are also partnering with local non-profit, Cradle 2 Career.

Tom & Alida Sharp
DBR Ministries
Serving hurting, abused & traumatized people in Belize find safety, support & wholeness through education, counseling & healthy relationships.

Alejandro & Carmen DeFrancisco
Global Strategies -- Church of God Ministries
We had been called by God to Spain to plant new churches building a Church Multiplication Network. Making disciples and developing a leadership support system.

Sam & Prati Stephens
India Gospel League
Serve in South Asia leading an extensive church planting, discipling and leadership development movement. They always remain grateful for the support from Hope over 35 years.
Austin & Morgan McKenna
Campus Outreach
Meeting lost students and introducing them to Jesus on campus at Mississippi State. Sharing the Gospel widely, discipling some, and raising them up to be the next generation of Christian leaders.

Afrim & Lavdi Karoshi
East-West International Ministries
The Karoshis' reach the Albanian-speaking population with the Gospel by using Digital Strategies (Web, Digital Media, Social Media) and publishing resources to help the church grow.