Bullfrogs and Butterflies
Bullfrogs & Butterflies (B&B) is a quality Christian preschool which has served Andover and the surrounding community since 1988. We have a committed and experienced staff. In fact, two out of three of our Lead Teachers have been at B&B for 30 years or more, and the third one since 2016. The whole staff go above and beyond, seeing their role as a ministry. In short, at B&B, we teach ABCs and we plant seeds of faith.

Children 3 years old by the first day of preschool and potty trained. 2-day-per-week classes:
Tue/Thu or Wed/Fri: 9-11:30am
Tuition: $180.00 per month
Tue/Thu or Wed/Fri: 9-11:30am
Tuition: $180.00 per month
4 years old by August 31st
3-days-per-week class:
Tue-Thu mornings: 9-11:30 am
Tuition: $210.00 per month
3-days-per-week class:
Tue-Thu mornings: 9-11:30 am
Tuition: $210.00 per month
4 years old by August 31st
4 days per week class:
Tue-Fri mornings: 9-11:30am
Tuition: $260 per month
4 days per week class:
Tue-Fri mornings: 9-11:30am
Tuition: $260 per month
Class sizes are limited, so enrollment is on a first-come/first-served basis.
Children must be immunized based on their age as recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control.Enrollment for the 2025-2026 school years now open. Enroll here. If you have any questions call 316-733-9131 or email bfbf@hopecc.net for more information.
Meet the team.

Brandy Ybarra
Brandy has been the Program Director for Bullfrogs and Butterflies since June of 2017. She has 5 years experience teaching preschool at WSU’s Child Development Center and earned her Preschool Director’s License through the KDHE in August of 2006. She loves preschool-aged kids because they learn so many new things and are so excited about life! She is also grateful to be able to teach children about Jesus!

Sharon Weldon
Pre-K Lead Teacher
Sharon started B&B in 1988. She loves taking polliwogs and caterpillars and watching them become Bullfrogs and Butterflies, and seeing them find joy in learning and fall in love with Jesus. Another thing she loves about her job is getting students ready for kindergarten!

Karen Janzen
Pre-K Teacher Aide
Karen started working full-time at B&B in the 2015-2016 school year after substituting the previous year. She loves the kids, their openness to learning, watching them grow in leaps and bounds throughout the school year, and meeting developmental milestones.

Ashley Sandwell
Pre-K Lead Teacher
Ashley started with B&B in 2016. She loves being with B&B because of how supportive and helpful the staff are. She also loves seeing kids have light bulb moments and getting to share Jesus with them.

Jackie Sebbo
Polliwogs Lead Teacher
Jackie started with B&B in 1995. She feels called by God to teach, and has great love for her students, especially the way they always keep her on her toes! She also appreciates the way the B&B staff are so supportive of one another in their job teaching children.

Sarah Boyd
PreK Aide
Sarah started at B&B in August of 2022, and has three years of experience teaching preschool. She loves the academics part of teaching-seeing them grow with all their skills, especially writing their names and how proud they are when they finally get it!

Amy Choriego
PreK teacher aide
Amy started with B&B in August of 2011 as a sub, and took over as the office administrator from January 2013 through August 2019. She continued to sub until starting as a Teacher Aide in August 2023. Preschoolers are her favorite age and she loves watching them gain confidence in their abilities and pride in their accomplishments.

Ivana Grimes
Polliwogs teacher aide
Ivana joined B&B in 2023. She loves working with preschoolers, because it's so fun to see them get excited about learning, and see them making new friends. And know the love of Jesus while in the process!