Our Story

How it all started...

In 1988, some local folks set out to tell others about Jesus. To get started, they went to nearby neighborhoods and asked people what stands in the way of them attending a church.

After hundreds of homes were visited, three common answers to this question began to emerge: 
  • people didn’t like to dress up for church, 
  • they didn’t like typical (boring) church music, and 
  • they were tired of churches talking so much about money.
Our first location was in a shopping mall!
Welcome to the coffee bar - open every Sunday morning!

Vision comes to life...

So this group started a new church, keeping in mind what drives most people away and getting rid of that. Their singular mission was “bringing people closer to Jesus,” and they named themselves Hope Community Church. From the very beginning, Hope has welcomed people as they were: no dressing-up needed! We aimed to have great music for worship.  We replaced "passing the offering plate" with discreet offering boxes in the back. We even added a coffee break  into the worship time so people would feel warm and welcome.

You'll feel the echoes of that beginning today.

And now...

When you come to Hope, you'll be welcomed just as you are— just as we all are— and offered a cup of coffee, an authentic worship experience, and an honest teaching focused on Jesus.

As "Hopesters," we continue to serve people outside and inside our church walls and to focus on what’s important: bringing people closer to Jesus.

Stop by for a cup of coffee and to see what Hope Community Church is all about!

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 9:00 am and 10:45 am.