
Years ago, my laptop computer was running super slow. It was almost unbearable, and I could hardly get anything done. I called Hopester volunteer Keith Wallace and asked for some help.

Thankfully, he agreed to take a look at my computer. I dropped it off at his house, and a few hours later he gave me the dreaded news that my hard drive was corrupted. He asked me if I had backed up my files, which I had. So it was then just a matter of erasing my hard drive and restoring the computer to the factory settings. It took a few days, but once I got my laptop back, it felt like it was brand new.

It's not too hard to see the parallel with our own lives. Because of bad choices, poor decisions, and sometimes outright rebellion, our hearts and minds (our hard drive) become corrupted. But that’s when we have the opportunity to call for help. When we make the choice to turn to Jesus, He can restore us!

We get to share that great opportunity. We get to point people to Jesus, the great technician! He can erase the corrupted heart, straighten out the settings, and give us new life!
Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved (Romans 10:13).
