Time For A New Song?

What do you do when you discover a new song that you enjoy?

When I find a new song that I like, I tend to play it over and over again. I’ll play it in the car, in the house, and while I’m mowing the yard, and then I’ll make my kids listen to it until they beg me to stop. I’ll play a song ninety-nine times in a row until I eventually move on. (Currently, I’m listening to Sweet Ever After by Ellie Holcomb on repeat. Seriously, give it a listen! You can’t help but be happy after hearing that song.)

I recently read a study released by the University of Michigan and learned that listening to the same song on repeat is directly tied to our emotions. Listening to the same song for hours might help you through a break-up or the loss of a loved one, or it might play a big part in celebrating a victory. According to the University of Michigan study, we tend to listen to the same song on a loop because of how it makes us feel.

Most of us would agree that music makes us feel specific feelings or elicits certain memories that transport us back in time. Certain songs can comfort us and encourage us for the day!
What song are you currently listening to on repeat? How does it make you feel?

The scriptures talk to us about God giving us a new song:

He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. (Psalm 40:3)

Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. (Psalm 96:1)

In each of these verses, new means “original,” “fresh,” “one of a kind,” and “never heard before.” God is a creative God! He’s always doing something new—like saving, redeeming, answering prayers, and working miracles.

Sometimes we need a new song to help us get through whatever emotions we might be feeling. We might need a new song to help us best fix our eyes on Jesus.

Has your current song run its course? Is it time for a new song? If that’s the case, consider taking a few minutes and asking the Lord to put a new song in your heart.
