God is Hovering

What is the first thing we see God doing in the Bible? "Hovering." The scriptures describe the earth as "formless," "empty," and "dark." It is over this that God is hovering. And then God dives into that dark, chaotic messiness, and He brings light to the darkness, order to the chaos, and beauty to the messiness.

When I study the life of Jesus, I see the same thing happening. Jesus had a habit of going into a town, hovering around a little, and then diving into the dark, chaotic, messy places in people's lives and bringing light, order, and beauty.

Jesus went into Samaria, hovered a little, and then dove into the dark, chaotic messiness of a woman who changed husbands almost as often as she changed sandals. Jesus brought light, order, and beauty to her life.

Jesus went into Jericho, hovered a little, and then dove into the dark, chaotic messiness of a short wee little man who embezzled people's money through his position as chief tax collector. Jesus brought light, order, and beauty to his life.

Jesus went into Jerusalem, hovered a little, and then dove into the dark, chaotic messiness of a man who had been paralyzed for thirty-eight years, unable to get into a pool that allegedly brought healing and thus instead wallowed in a pool of self-pity. Jesus brought light, order, and beauty to his life.

It seems to me that God hasn't changed all that much. What we find Him doing at the beginning of the Old Testament, we find Him doing in the beginning of the New Testament. And He's still doing the same thing today.

What I've come to realize is that if I follow Jesus, He may hover for a little while, but then He always brings light to my darkness, order to my chaos, and beauty to my messiness.

The reality is that wherever there is sin in my life, there is darkness, chaos, and messiness. When we choose to truly follow Jesus, He will lead us through the darkness of our own sin so we can deal with it. When we fully surrender to Him, we see that Jesus brings light, order, and beauty into our life.

If God is hovering around the dark and messy places in your life, may I encourage you to trust Him. He’s been doing this since the beginning of time!
