There Will Be A Day

There will be a day when the muck of shame that sticks to our souls will finally and irrevocably be washed away as we stand smiling before the God who has made us whole.

There will be a day when the last will be first, the lowly will be lifted, the depressed will sing with joy, and the lonely will know deep intimacy.

There will be a day when the anxious wanderer explores in peace, the homeless have a home, and the thief becomes a do-gooder.

There will be a day when family will not slump beside a coffin that encases the corpse of a loved one, for a trumpet will blast from heaven and the earth will birth new bodies, glorious in beauty!

There will be a day when beggars feast, mourners dance, and undertakers laugh at being out of work.

There will be a day when tears come only from laughter, pain ceases to exist, and the harmonies of “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty” echo through the halls day and night.

There will be a day when the word “sin” will not be in the dictionary, the lion will dwell with the lamb, and every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

There will be a day, my friends, when the worst days of our lives will vanish like a dream. Death will be dead. The grave, buried. And all who believe in Jesus will see the dawn of the first day of the new creation, the nightfall of which will never come.

There will be a day when it will all make sense, and with deep joy and never ending peace, we will live in perfect love forever!

Until that day,