If you have a little less hair now than you have had in the past, then you might be familiar with
the phrase that is the title of this newsletter. It’s a line from the Herman’s Hermits’ 1965 hit song
“I’m Henry the Eighth, I Am.” I’ll admit that I was familiar with the phrase but had to do a quick
wiki search to get the history behind it.
The song was originally popular as a 1910 British music hall tune, and it became the second-
fastest-selling song in history (up to that point) when the Hermits released their version. It was
also a pretty simple song. In the Hermits’ version, it was the same chorus sung three times.
Between the first and second chorus, Herman (Peter Noone) called out, “Second verse, same as
the first.” It became an iconic phrase that has led to many never-ending singalongs.
The phrase “broken record” is somewhat similar. It’s the idea that something is continuously
repeated, often with annoyance.
Does your life ever feel like a broken record? Second verse, same as the first? You climbed out
of debt only to have a medical bill come due. You found what you thought was freedom from
addiction, only to get lured back in by the grip sin's power. You experienced a spiritual high that
all too quickly came crashing down after hurt words from a loved one.
Or maybe you find yourself living in a peaceful, joyful season, but you keep looking over your
shoulder waiting for the next bad thing to happen.
It seems that both highs and lows can keep many from experiencing the true peace that Jesus
This coming Sunday we are going to be starting a new sermon series titled “Broken Record.” We
will be looking at the strange and dark stories found in the book of Judges. Judges is often
considered the darkest book in our scriptures, yet I have found that when looking at the darkness, you can always find hope, light, and love.
As we go through the book of Judges, you will notice that God’s people are living in a broken
record. We will see them worship idols and be taken captive by the enemy. They will then
repent, God will graciously rescue them, and they will eventually forget about God’s mercy and
go back to worshiping idols. Second verse, same as the first. The book of Judges is a broken
record that gets progressively worse with every iteration.
The last verse of the book of Judges ends with an ominous warning. We are told, “In those days
Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit” (Judges 21:25). When I look around at our
current nation and world it starts to look like second verse, same as the first. Are we living in a
broken record? Surely there is a better way.
I hope you’ll join us this Sunday as we start this new series and explore how Jesus came to fix
the broken record of this world.
the phrase that is the title of this newsletter. It’s a line from the Herman’s Hermits’ 1965 hit song
“I’m Henry the Eighth, I Am.” I’ll admit that I was familiar with the phrase but had to do a quick
wiki search to get the history behind it.
The song was originally popular as a 1910 British music hall tune, and it became the second-
fastest-selling song in history (up to that point) when the Hermits released their version. It was
also a pretty simple song. In the Hermits’ version, it was the same chorus sung three times.
Between the first and second chorus, Herman (Peter Noone) called out, “Second verse, same as
the first.” It became an iconic phrase that has led to many never-ending singalongs.
The phrase “broken record” is somewhat similar. It’s the idea that something is continuously
repeated, often with annoyance.
Does your life ever feel like a broken record? Second verse, same as the first? You climbed out
of debt only to have a medical bill come due. You found what you thought was freedom from
addiction, only to get lured back in by the grip sin's power. You experienced a spiritual high that
all too quickly came crashing down after hurt words from a loved one.
Or maybe you find yourself living in a peaceful, joyful season, but you keep looking over your
shoulder waiting for the next bad thing to happen.
It seems that both highs and lows can keep many from experiencing the true peace that Jesus
This coming Sunday we are going to be starting a new sermon series titled “Broken Record.” We
will be looking at the strange and dark stories found in the book of Judges. Judges is often
considered the darkest book in our scriptures, yet I have found that when looking at the darkness, you can always find hope, light, and love.
As we go through the book of Judges, you will notice that God’s people are living in a broken
record. We will see them worship idols and be taken captive by the enemy. They will then
repent, God will graciously rescue them, and they will eventually forget about God’s mercy and
go back to worshiping idols. Second verse, same as the first. The book of Judges is a broken
record that gets progressively worse with every iteration.
The last verse of the book of Judges ends with an ominous warning. We are told, “In those days
Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit” (Judges 21:25). When I look around at our
current nation and world it starts to look like second verse, same as the first. Are we living in a
broken record? Surely there is a better way.
I hope you’ll join us this Sunday as we start this new series and explore how Jesus came to fix
the broken record of this world.