Are You Excited

As my family prepares to move to Mexico for a year, there are a lot of emotions as we pack, say
our good-byes, and plan to start teaching. Sarah has been scheduling all sorts of appointments
for us, to make sure our eyes, teeth, skin, and whatever else are doing alright. At each visit, it is
always interesting to see peoples’ reaction to the statement that we are moving to Mexico.

Usually there is a bit of shock and a hesitant, “Well… that sounds exciting.” In the ensuing
conversation, the question is asked, “So, are you excited about moving?” The short answer is
yes. But there is a lot more to it.

If we were going to Mexico for a week or two or maybe even a month, it would be an easy,
“Yes.” But it is harder thinking about a missional move that is a bit longer term. Yes, it is our
choice to move for a year to teach in another country. But, amidst this decision, there is a lot of
dying to self.

We love our neighborhood, our church, our friends, our schedules, and our favorite
restaurants. Life is familiar and generally comfortable. None of that is bad. It is a blessing and
we are grateful for all of it! So, as we are saying “yes” to Mexico and leaving much of that
behind, we understand that we are also saying “no” to many things as well. We are giving up
our preferences and control as we submit to a different way of life, to another language, to a
different type of church, to being a minority, and to another culture with its accompanying
rhythms and customs.

Am I excited? Yes! But in any season of change, as excitement exists, there is an accompanied
sense of mourning and loss of whatever you might be leaving behind. We all go through those
types of transitions. Whatever change might be happening for you, may you find your
contentment in Christ. May you look to His example of dying to Himself. May you be rooted in
God’s abounding love for you. It is at that point where we can indeed “do everything through
Christ who gives me strength.”
(Philippians 4:13) That verse simply means this: It doesn’t matter
where we are, what we are doing or what we have... God is enough and I can be content in

Whatever you are facing might not be easy, but may you rest in Him. “My God will meet all your
needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.”
(Philippians 4:19) I look forward to
hearing and seeing what God does in your life and where He leads you this next year!

Pastor Mark