Thankful For You

“Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine according to his power that is at work within us…” (Ephesians 3:20)
I can’t think of a better verse to begin as I reflect upon the past twelve years of ministry at Hope.

I have been profoundly shaped by the people of Hope Community Church during this third of my lifetime. It has been an absolute master-class of learning from each of you about generous living and how to love others. I’ve had a front row seat to the servant leadership of Pastor Steve and Pastor Nick, watching as they guide and shepherd the flock. I have taken notes while working in youth and adult ministry at Hope, learning from faithful servants, Pastor Shane and Pastor Bill. This education you all have given me beats any seminary class hands down!

I also want to thank you for the grace, patience, and encouragement you have shown me over the years. Hope has a bunch of sayings that are part of its culture… “Freedom to fail! and “Err on the side of love”. We have awesome core values, two of which go like this: “Buildings are just bricks and mortar… people are the real church” and “The enlarging of God’s Kingdom is much more important than the enlarging of Hope Community Church.” Hope is true to these statements and I can testify to seeing them played out over the past six months.

During our first conversations with Hope about our dream to teach and minister in Mexico for a year, there was excitement from leadership. There were ideas and thoughts of how this could benefit the Kingdom. It takes crazy amounts of generosity and Kingdom-mindedness to send one of your pastors on a year of mission. I still shake my head in awe as I think about it. So, we want to bring you along on the journey as we explain the mission and purpose of our time in Mexico with pictures, videos and posts on our blog. If you go to the site below, click “Subscribe” and include your email, you will receive a notification anytime we post:

Though we are excited about the journey ahead, there is real sadness in leaving Hope for this season. We will miss each of you, but we already look forward to being back in July 2023. For now, we are thankful in how you have shaped us, grateful for your generosity and appreciate any prayers offered on our behalf as we take this step. We love you and thank God for you!

Many Blessings,
The Hershey Family