Hope Students
High School Mission Trip Application (Summer 2024)

Mission Trips are a huge part of what we do as Hope Students! We focus on two things: the spiritual growth of our students and the service of those who are in need. This is no small commitment so please take your time and think as you sign up for these trips. Please know this is an APPLICATION, not all students are guaranteed a spot on the trip they apply for.

Kansas City Trip:

Dates:  July 14th-20th (Sunday-Saturday)

This trip will primarily be for those who have participated in the Wichita Mission Trip and are already plugged into High School ministry. This trip will focus on the real-life application of our faith and not just in this one-week out of the year. This is a leadership development trip. We know life has surprises, but if you want to commit to this trip, you’re committing to a family who wants to help you in your walk and grow right there alongside you, and this cannot be done in just one week. You are committing to challenge others, be challenged yourself, but most of all to grow in your relationship with the Father.

Student Info:

Parent/Guardian Info:

Student Spiritual/Leadership Questions:

If you've been on a Mission Trip before, please answer the following TWO questions. If you have never been on a Mission Trip before, skip the next two questions: